Smashblock’s journey to literacy and opportunity The Smashblock community recently celebrated a significant milestone through...
In a visionary initiative, Chromtech Holdings, along with its subsidiary Limberg Mining Company, has extended its support to three local high schools in the communities they serve: Johane Mokolobetsi Secondary School, Mabogopedi High School, and Modise Secondary School.
The first module of Limberg Mine’s Adult Education initiative has been successfully completed, with outstanding...
Several learners from nearby communities around Limberg Mine have been sponsored to undergo extensive apprenticeship...
The Artisan Training Institute proudly awarded its top prize to Kedibone Kupa, a dedicated learner...
The recent Women’s Day celebration in Ga-Ramokokastad, organised by Mohumagadi Salome Ramokoka of the Baphalane...
Who inspired you to pursue a career in safety and environmental management? Born in Welkom,...
In a remarkable affirmation of talent and hard work, Kedibone Kupa has emerged as the...
The Smashblock community recently celebrated a significant milestone through Limberg Mine’s Adult Education Training initiative,...
Limberg Mining Company (LMC) is on a transformative journey with a profound mission to make...